Sorry I have not blogged this week, I have totally forgotten that inside my body I have a horrid disease and Feel totally normal.
I have just carried on with everyday life of being a mum and wife. The only thing that is strange is not going to work. I miss that very much and hopefully if I carry on like this and only have a couple of sick days after chemotherapy I can go back. My mind is trying to work it all out again and I need to just take one day at a time.

I am finding that tonight I am fed up with living my life round hospital appointments, and being stuck in a situation I can not make better. Why does all this take so long???

I need to keep strong but sometimes I feel like shouting from the top of my voice WHY ME. I know God is in control and has me tight in his arms .
Tomorrow will be a new day and my faith will pick back up again. Tonight I just needed to SCREAM !!!

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