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Showing posts from May, 2012

Getting Closer

There seems to be such a build up to this weekend I love how we can come together as communities to celebrate different events. As a class we have been busy learning the hand jive to perform at our jubilee celebration. I was not born to teach dance and the children keep laughing at me for getting it wrong. I am into my last week at work now and so sad to go on sick leave. I love watching the next generation learn and discover life. I will miss them. As a school we are so blessed to be part of the church of England. It allows the kids to really experience a deeper knowledge of God. We were visited by the bishop of Rochester on Tuesday, such a great man doing what he was called to in life. Following his dreams. I hope that each child in the school will see that they are important and can dream to be whatever they want to to be in life. Finally I have my dates for chemo, I Start on the 12th June. Seems so far away still. The butterfly's in my tummy are starting to flutter and my ...

Gods Got ya Back

What do I write after an amazing weekend full of celebrations. My big boy turned 11 and good friends Will and Emma got married. When my heart is full like this it makes me realise the wonderful life he has given me. I danced the night away with so much joy in my heart while God looks after the stuff that I can not handle. In life we have ups and downs with stuff that our human self find it totally impossible to handle, we were made to cast all our worry, doubt, and fear into the hands of Jesus. In exchange he gives us joy, peace and never ending love. Some of you will find this hard to understand as the question has risen by lots of you why did God allow this cancer to be in my body. Well he certainty didn't, but can totally get rid of it. The devil picked the wrong one this time to trick when he picked me. My shield of faith went straight up and the sword went swiftly into action. Like my pastor said this morning in church, I am in covenant with God and he watches my back. T...

The Hair Got shorter

After a long morning at the hospital today I finally am one step closer to starting treatment. I will have my pick line put in on the 7th june and then chemo will start a couple of days after. The consultant was so nice and explained the procedure in great detail so now I am fully aware of all that is to come. I have had to make a really tough decision today if I am to carry on with work or Go on sick leave after half term. The Chemo effects people in different ways, and I may be fine during treatment, but after talking with a wonderful Macmillan nurse today, it has made me more aware that I need to put my body first at this time. I have to be realistic now and understand I will need rest and time for my body to cope with the strong drugs that are going to be pumped into me. It is hard to give up as I love to be busy and enjoy work so much. This is where my faith really needs to be strong, I am totally relaying on God now to provide more work when I am better and that he will carr...

God Must be in Control

At last the sun is out for us in England and it really does make such a difference in our house. The kids are out playing after a lovely dinner cooked by the hubby and everyone seems to much more relaxed and happy. I received a wonderful gift today, such a blessing. Thank you to whoever it was I love it :)) I am surrounded by some awesome people who are helping me so much at this time, the one person that must be introduced first is my hubby Matt. He is cooking, cleaning, gardening and dealing with the kids. He really is super house man at the moment. I could not do life without him, and always having a secret supply of chocolate for me makes him the best. So it's of to see the consultant tomorrow and get final details on when I start chemo. Not long to go now. It's funny that I feel so fine at the moment but in a couple of weeks may be feeling so unwell. My head cannot seem to work it all out. I always over think things and plan the unknown. I must just let God keep in c...
It's one of those Sunday's where my heart is full from church, belly full from dinner and sleep in the afternoon. Sleep is something that is very much part of what I do at the moment. Come lunch time all I seem to do is sleep. Having a low energy level makes me tired and worn out quickly. Thank God that he never sleeps but carries on fighting the fight for me. I know I can rest peacefully as he is there with me all the time. Peace is something that in the mist of adversity hard to find and would be impossible with out Jesus in my heart. But I can honesty say I do have the peace within me. Finding the peace to settle all pain and suffering in life can only come from one source. Being stoked in worship this morning lifts you to a place greater than what's on earth. It sets me up for the week ahead. So this week will be a normal working one at school. I love being with the next generation as they grow in life and meeting with the consultant on final details. Th...
Many people have been asking me what exactly is lymphoma. A great website that has helped me is the lymphoma Association. . I have been diagnosed with classical Hodgkin Lymphoma and will start a 6 cycle of chemo very soon, which will last about 6 months. I am overwhelmed by the response and comments so far and  pleased so many of you are following this time in my life, as not only is it helping me but others with the disease. I see life as a journey that will take me through different situations hard and good. One thing that I have learnt over the years that God must stay centre of it all.  I have been so very blessed with an amazing family. We have fun, laugh, spend time together and support each other in the tough times. Its only in these times that you realise that people matter, relationships are important and things of materialism are just stuff. Doing life with people is amazing and I am blessed to have so many amazing people in my life. over...

The Beginning May 2012

So I have hit a time in my life that has come unexpected but totally ready for. No one likes to be told that you have cancer and that the next year will be hard and challenging. God has always been by my side in many circumstances and I have no doubt that he will not leave me now. So the fight has begun in kicking the devil out of my life and looking towards my God for strength and healing. I have to ask him in all this "let your will be done. I am still hear serving you, use me and grow me." So the journey begins of battling this disease out of my body. I hope that by reading my fight with Lymphoma will encourage you to keep strong in whatever you are facing and smiling that happy smile. Let it begin.......