Oh dear I'm on bed rest until I get my strength back again ;( . since coming out of hospital on Saturday I have not recovered as quickly as before. I need to watch my day 4-6 after chemo as that's when my body is at it's lowest. This is really hard as Matt is working all the time and kids have to be pushed from pillar to post. Thank goodness nanny and grandad were on on standby last night again. All the parents have been so great at helping out. I am just going to have to take this one day at at a time.
I just feel gutted that I cannot spend time with the kids in there holiday. I miss family days out and easy things of just going for walks. When this is all over I think a good holiday is going to be welcome.
I love my husband so much he is trying so hard to keep things going, working extra hours to make up my wage and juggling house work. I am so blessed by him.
I had a good cry yesterday and let out all the emotion, the stress had been building up. I now feel much better and positive and that the next chemo will be half way and onto the final stages. I know God is by my side and with me all the way. My strength and shield and provider. Letting him take control is hard but the only thing to do.
I just feel gutted that I cannot spend time with the kids in there holiday. I miss family days out and easy things of just going for walks. When this is all over I think a good holiday is going to be welcome.
I love my husband so much he is trying so hard to keep things going, working extra hours to make up my wage and juggling house work. I am so blessed by him.
I had a good cry yesterday and let out all the emotion, the stress had been building up. I now feel much better and positive and that the next chemo will be half way and onto the final stages. I know God is by my side and with me all the way. My strength and shield and provider. Letting him take control is hard but the only thing to do.