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Showing posts from August, 2012

The mountain is getting tricky

I can see the top of this mountain but like all climbers as you get higher the altitude gets thinner and the rocks get harder. Even though I know the cancer has gone and the party is all set at the summit the final leg is hard. Treatment is horrible and makes me so weak. My body is taking over a week now to recover and I'm finding just the little things are such hard work. But my pick axe is out and I'm hacking my way on. I have managed to spend some days with the kids this week. Which has finished the school holidays on a happy family note. All the uniform and bags are ready and even tho they drive you mad, I will miss them but looking forward to getting back into routine and finishing the treatment. Christmas will be a holiday time that will be so good. We might as a family get back to normality and quality time with out the stress and worry. Big shout out to all who have helped this last 6 weeks. Thank you X

Chemo 6

Chemo 6 all done, it was a hard one with sickness and high temp. Medication starting to kick in now so hopefully of home later today. The staff hear are amazing and I have had great conversations with them about my faith. Having my bible open and highlighter in hand has sparked a lot of interest. I even had a chat with the Chaplin. Looking forward to seeing my beautiful girl and wishing the boys a happy father and son time away camping. Keep smiling and overcoming x

Good News

Wow I'm half way. Hurray x long way down now the end is Only 12 weeks away. I had some good news yesterday that my scan results showed NO active cancer cells within the lymph system. THANK YOU GOD. This has given me hope and a boost to keep going with treatment. I will celebrate when it's all over. I still need to go through 12 weeks of sicknesses so need to keep going! You should see how much I have packed up, the boot is overflowing with stuff. We are all going away the Kids to nannies and then the boys are of camping with Matt this weekend. The list is never ending on what has been packed. Even the dog has a bag. Trying to keep the house tidy and clean is imposable, should have arranged a cleaner. Lol Better get going, I will blog from hospital x
Life is much better. I have enjoyed the past 4 days hanging with the kids and friends. All the pain fades when you see the laughter and smiles of children. We are starting to get into the routine of one week of manic and one week of normal. The kids are just wonderful at fitting it in to there minds of understanding this is just how we need to roll. My body is still week but no pain and dizzy head. Only 2 days to go until we start again and thank God the half way point. Looking forward to seeing the consultant on Friday and knowing my scan results. Hopefully the cancer will have gone and just need to finish treatment. I am so grateful for all the staff at the Medway cancer unit they continue to be amazing at fixing me. Short and happy but kids are calling and life is moving. Xxx

Bed rest

Oh dear I'm on bed rest until I get my strength back again ;( . since coming out of hospital on Saturday I have not recovered as quickly as before. I need to watch my day 4-6 after chemo as that's when my body is at it's lowest. This is really hard as Matt is working all the time and kids have to be pushed from pillar to post. Thank goodness nanny and grandad were on on standby last night again. All the parents have been so great at helping out. I am just going to have to take this one day at at a time. I just feel gutted that I cannot spend time with the kids in there holiday. I miss family days out and easy things of just going for walks. When this is all over I think a good holiday is going to be welcome. I love my husband so much he is trying so hard to keep things going, working extra hours to make up my wage and juggling house work. I am so blessed by him. I had a good cry yesterday and let out all the emotion, the stress had been building up. I now feel much b...

Melting in hospital chemo 5

What a week, with hopping from Maidstone hospital to Medway I'm enjoy the NHS tour. Having my chemo in hospital this time has been much better. The anti sickness drugs were pumped into me by IV. Having no responsibility of house and kids has help me sit still and just control the spinning. I am hopefully coming out tomorrow morning with some new super drug to help the head disco which is going on. Missed my kiddies so much I feel like I missing out on so much with them in their holidays. I am determined to give my cuddle James a wonderful birthday on Sunday. It's so hot in here, I'm melting I need some men to fan me lol. Come on CPC guys show some servant heart lol On the other hand I have watched so much Olympics I could be a bbc reporter. Not been able to read tho as the words are all over the place it's all such a muddle. Things I miss: family, friends, ice cream, and singing on Sunday's. Things I am grateful for: LIFE ( which sums up everything) Love...
Hello normal life. At last I feel Good and able to do every day bits and bobs. I head into another week of hospital appointments and chemo:( hopefully I will get the right drugs this week. I gave a scan and praying that the cancer cells will have reduced and on the way into remission. I'm currently watching my James run around the garden pretending to be in the 100 meters olympics. These 2012 games are certainly inspiring the next generation. Might have to check out some athletics club for him. We even went to the cyclo park and did some Laps with our bikes yesterday! I'm looking forward to when treatment is all over and I can get back into exercise. Well done team GB keep going x
II have seen the consultant and she going to really work on getting me the right anti sickness drugs. I now have to go onto the ward and stay overnight to have chemo, as I am so sick and there they can monitor me better. God really did hear my prayers as last week was to much. The consultant is so good and agreed that I will not have to go through that again and will try and organise a whole new set of medication. Hopefully they will get it right and find something that works. Totally love watching the Olympics and love how such hard work and determination gives you your dreams. We can all achieve so much in life if we are prepared to get up go for it. God has so many plans for all of us, and wants us to run the race, but sitting on our backsides will never get us anywhere. Meet God half way and live your dreams. Xxx