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Showing posts from 2013

Hello again

Hello, me again Before you all get worried and the wrong idea nothing is wrong I'm fine I'm not a woman of very expressive emotion and as I write my heart gets poured out in such a way that my mouth could never do. So writing this blog is allowing access to a place not many get to, so I have decided to write again and share the crazy world my feet walk in. I find that as a women doing life, I'm not the only one with highs and lows, good or bad. Typically we all sometimes hold back and just say "I'm okay" but deep down feeling all messed up inside. So I asked you to walk with me in my life's journey and somehow show you those things you thought you did is just you but really are just the norm for all of us. As you may know or not I am a Christian totally in love with Jesus please do not turn off now as I'm not going to preach to you, God will pop up now and then as my whole life is centred round him. All,that I am and all that I do, I try to do with his...

It is finished

I have been waiting and waiting for so long to finally write this final blog. I have so much to say, many Thanks to give and a lot to really appreciate. I did it, ran that really difficult race of fighting cancer. It did not win. I beat it. Cancer no longer has a part to play in my body. Last may when I was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma that had spread all round my lymph system, my life changed. I had a choice to make, to fight or let the cancer take over. I am a strong women and fighting was the only option. I have a family, friends, work and a life to lead, why would I give that all up. So I went into battle with strong chemo every 2 weeks for 6 months. Chemo is horrid, just opening my eyes in the morning was to much but managed to walk my kids to school and keep I balance within the home. You may say well done Mary you made it, pat on the back, but I do not want any glory. I have a friend so powerful that deserves all the praise. With out there help I could have not carried ...

Life is a rolling

I feel totally normal, my house is ticking over as normal, just the small problem of my body inside needs to play the game. It Is nearly a year since I was walking into the doctors and starting tests. Who would have thought in under a year I found out I had cancer, had 6 months of chemo and now in a waiting game of what happens next. I start the whole process of scans again this week and then the long wait until results day. Hopefully it will be the news we all long for. remission! Many people have asked me how I can still love God so much after all that I have been through. Firstly I don't and will never understand why, but it made me realise that God is so real and faith in him is reality. When you are faced with a life or death situation, in those moments the only thing that you can rely on is faith. Heaven becomes very close and what you have on earth is like a blink. You really do question yourself to what is really after death, and thankfully I know that Jesus gives me...

Got to keep believing

And the results are in. On the whole my lymph nodes have made a dramatic improvement but still have not reduced enough to get that all clear. The question that still stands is the swelling on the nodes scar tissue or disease? The consultant is very happy with the progress but can not give me the 100% all clear. So more scans over the next 2 months as my body keeps healing and hopefully a clearer result next time. She said that I need to keep going and keep living my life as I normally would. So I'm going to get up , put my best foot forward and lock my heart and eyes onto Jesus and carry on.