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Hello again

Hello, me again Before you all get worried and the wrong idea nothing is wrong I'm fine I'm not a woman of very expressive emotion and as I write my heart gets poured out in such a way that my mouth could never do. So writing this blog is allowing access to a place not many get to, so I have decided to write again and share the crazy world my feet walk in.
I find that as a women doing life, I'm not the only one with highs and lows, good or bad. Typically we all sometimes hold back and just say "I'm okay" but deep down feeling all messed up inside.

So I asked you to walk with me in my life's journey and somehow show you those things you thought you did is just you but really are just the norm for all of us.

As you may know or not I am a Christian totally in love with Jesus please do not turn off now as I'm not going to preach to you, God will pop up now and then as my whole life is centred round him. All,that I am and all that I do, I try to do with his love. I am not ashamed of my faith it is just who I am.

If you read the beginning of this blog from last year then you will know that I'm in remission from lymphoma cancer, a time in my life that was so hard and testing on my faith. Moving  on from that time I have met many people and stopped and talk to them and learnt the biggest question was, how was I so positive why did I not loose my faith?

One simple answer is "God was the same before during and after" he was no different in it all.  It did make me change as my faith levels raised and life became so important, if I proclaim Jesus as my saviour before I was ill why should I not when I was. running into him and not away was the only way. I would rather go through something like that with strength and not fear. 

The Bible is very clear that the "joy of the Lord is my strength" this is what people look for in a christian. We need to be who we say we are, Not all talk and no action the world watches intently at how Christians react to trouble needing to stand out and hold onto our faith when the rubber hits the Road.(please its okay to wobble and have those moments, we are all human and not perfect after all) keep going you can do it you will find more strength in him than without him.

I love chocolate and will admit I eat a lot, this is probably explain why I will never be a size 10! but hey Ho I love it and will keep eating it. We all  need to have a little bit of pleasure in our daily routine I learnt this last year, there is so much more to life than work sleep and eating. 

Be spontaneous every now and then make time for that giggle time with your kids, rolled down that bank, skip down the road bounce on the trampoline as high as you can go. 

When the heart is happy your life will become less stressed, the problems maybe still there but a change of attitude will allow your spirit to control your emotions, not your emotions controlling you. 

Whatever life throws at you, Remember you will always pull through. There will always be light at the end of the tunnel,  you can overcome and you will overcome. Don't be put down, stand high and  carry on.
Thank you for reading and until next time.....have a great day :) 

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