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Showing posts from December, 2012

New year new beginnings

Can it really be 31st December? I made it. It's been a long and bumpy ride with physical and emotional ups and downs. It's been a wonderful full week spending time with family and friends. The kids have relaxed and have had some great presents. I have been blessed today on my 35th birthday. Blown away with the amount of messages. As I head into 2013 I pray for strength and total healing. It will be great to go to my appointment at the end of the month and get some good news. Until then I have to get on and get up, take life by the horns and keep the smile on my face. I expect to learn and grow more. Life is precious. Live it to max. So tonight I'm partying at my sisters bringing in the new year with the most important people in my life. Happy new year x

Patience patience

The journey is still having to be continued. It was results day with the consultant after having my pet scan last week.  To cut a long story short without all the minor details, my scan still showed some cell activity, now this may or may not be cancer cells.  My body is trying to fix itself and the lymph nodes are in a process of healing. The cells are most properly scar tissue. I will have to have a CT scan early in the new year to confirm what is going on. Basically it is to early to tell what is happing within my body.  After 6 months of being knocked again and again it is going to take time to recover. If after my CT scan there is still areas of concern more biopsies will be taken. I am feeling much better and glad all the sickness has gone for Christmas. The next month again will be long and hard, but I am positive all will be ok and God knows what he is doing. One good thing is that I have been signed back into work. This is exactly what I need. An hour a day ...

My hope is built on nothing less

It has been 2 weeks since the last treatment now and Finally I am ready to face the world again. My body is still weak but I am now out of the danger zone and should now continue to get stronger each day. This week I plan to gain my life back slowly bit by bit. I still need to have a scan next week to confirm that all is well and that I don't have to have any more treatment. Faith is still strong and I have all trust in God that it will be clear. The kids faces are just a joy to see now that the decorations are being put up, this marks the end for them. We always said that when Christmas came it would be all over. Well to them it is and happy faces are hear again. The kids have been so strong this year I am so proud of them. They have such a happy life and I am so pleased they understand what family is. To bring them up in a church that pours such life into them, with worship, teaching and prayer sets them up in life with Jesus as there Center. Without my family, friends and ch...