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Showing posts from July, 2012

Chemo 4

Final back home and in wifi heaven. Such a long time of no blog but after chemo on Tuesday I felt so sick that reading or writing anything made me so dizzy. It has been the worst week in feeling so horrid but was able to persevere by being in a cottage in the middle of nowhere. Just sitting and watching the kids play and enjoy there holiday kept that smile on my face. To top of the week we ended up at Cadbury world and as most of you know my love for chocolate, it took all the worry away for the day. So I head into my week of ok, but I can feel my body starting to get weaker and can really now do just basic stuff. Looking After the kids this next 5 weeks is going to be interesting. I will admit that I really am fed up with treatment. If I could jump to november I would. I am not even half way! Hopefully I can back on track this week. Thank you for all the kind messages x
A big wow on the week that I have had, big boy left primary school, watching the Olympic torch, awesome worship finished with a fab day with friends. The sad part is the kids have gone away on our family holiday with out us :( nanny and grandad have taken them to a cottage in Derbyshire. We will go and be with them after chemo on Tuesday. Can not wait to spend time with them and hopefully will not be to sick! We Watched the torch on Friday, our friend ran with it Mr Carl Fitter the superstar. We went to his party and got the chance to hold the torch. I now dreading the next session of chemo, it is knowing what is to come and how it makes me feel. But hey let's enjoy today and worry that later. I have total faith that this disease is going and the cancer cells are shrinking. I have a scan in a couple of weeks and then know for sure what is going on inside this body. What an awesome privilege it was to lead worship this morning at City Praise Center, it was all in Gods s...

Number 3 shaved!

Oh gosh I have just shaved my head! I look like a boy lol. Number 3 all over is now my style. Not sure what the kids are going to say but they will Proberly laugh. Oh well thankfully it will grow back, at least we will save money on shampoo. Feeling much better now after such a horrible week. But now 6 days of ok and then we go again. I am going to enjoy the sick free days as much as I can. The kids break up on Thursday so mayhem will commence but I am more relaxed now and want to spend as much time as I can with them this holidays. My big boy will leave primary school which is strange. He is so excited he is heading of to secondary school. Growing up to fast! I'm prepping for my worship lead on Sunday, I have not lead for 6 weeks and it's a little scary! God has dropped some amazing stuff in my heart so it's going to be fab. I just pray I have the strength to do it. So I will be brave and leave you with a pic of my hair :)
It's been 3 days since treatment and this has def been the worst so far. If feeling sick was an Olympic sport than I would get the gold. With extra trips to see the doctor still no anti sickness drugs are working. I realises something today that being in the mist of something you can not control is a place where God shows you things that you never knew where there . An exchange can take place between you and God as nothing is in the way, he has brought you to a place of complete surrender. I feel that I'm in that place, I can not do anything in my strength but totally open to allow God to pour out new things in my life. Happy proud mum today as Philip goes to his year 6 prom x

Chemo 3

3 down and 9 to go! Seems so long until the end. With very strong anti sickness drugs it has taken the edge of the sickness but still feels like the world spins at a slightly faster rate. Chips and lemonade is all I fancy so might take a walk to the chip shop today as I need some fresh air. God is very much placing his footprints in the sand at this time and mine have disappeared due to being carried. What would we do with out Jesus in our lives to give us a hope. So going to take this beautiful companion with me and go and hunt for them chips x

Lets shop for hats

Well the hair now is rapidly falling out so it was time to hit the shops and find some hats. Fully loaded with coffee Sara and myself did a marathon shop in bluewater. I did not relies that there were so many styles, finding the right one was fun. As you can see from the pics not all hats suited me! It's been a happy week and I have enjoying being sick free. tomorrow we start again. :(
Today I just got up and decided that the sickness may be there but I'm going to carry on and live, so the paint came out and graces room went from white to pink. It took me all day to paint and tidy my princess's room and now it looks gorgeous. The world does not stop spinning ( and my head) so I am not going to sit about and dwell but do what I think my Body can cope with and do it! The picture is of my beautiful big sister who has the amazing talent of blessing so many people. She is a rock to me and opens her home to many. I love to spend time chilling and talking to her. We grew up so close and have continued to always make time to chat. Let's see what things I can get up to tomorrow x

6 days after chemo

6 days after chemo and I still feel sick! Oh this is not fun at all. But despite it all I'm not giving up but living life as normal. I have had a wonderful weekend full of birthday fun and spending time with the kids at the beach. Tomorrow I'm going to clear graces room and paint it pink! Sitting around is not for me. My hair is rapidly falling out now, not long to go until the hats come out. The kids think this is hilarious and find pulling it out great. A bald head what will I look like? I will leave you with some weekend pictures And blog again tomorrow