Final back home and in wifi heaven. Such a long time of no blog but after chemo on Tuesday I felt so sick that reading or writing anything made me so dizzy. It has been the worst week in feeling so horrid but was able to persevere by being in a cottage in the middle of nowhere. Just sitting and watching the kids play and enjoy there holiday kept that smile on my face. To top of the week we ended up at Cadbury world and as most of you know my love for chocolate, it took all the worry away for the day. So I head into my week of ok, but I can feel my body starting to get weaker and can really now do just basic stuff. Looking After the kids this next 5 weeks is going to be interesting. I will admit that I really am fed up with treatment. If I could jump to november I would. I am not even half way! Hopefully I can back on track this week. Thank you for all the kind messages x