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The Beginning May 2012

So I have hit a time in my life that has come unexpected but totally ready for. No one likes to be told that you have cancer and that the next year will be hard and challenging. God has always been by my side in many circumstances and I have no doubt that he will not leave me now. So the fight has begun in kicking the devil out of my life and looking towards my God for strength and healing. I have to ask him in all this "let your will be done. I am still hear serving you, use me and grow me." So the journey begins of battling this disease out of my body. I hope that by reading my fight with Lymphoma will encourage you to keep strong in whatever you are facing and smiling that happy smile. Let it begin.......
Recent posts

Choosing the right path in the trials of life

“Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.” — Romans 5:2–4 (NLT) Lately, I’ve been on a journey—one of learning, healing, and finally accepting that some things in life require more than just pushing through. For years, I believed that if I just kept going, if I stayed strong, I could outrun my past. That if I ignored the thoughts and the weight of what had happened, it would somehow disappear. But trauma doesn’t work that way, does it? No matter how much time passes, pain that isn’t healed finds a way to resurface. And I’ve learned that healing isn’t about “just getting on with it.” It’s about allowing yourself the space to be cared for, to be...

The life and story continues - Finding Strength & Peace in Loss

Finding Strength & Peace in Loss This February I will be taking up the challenge of Running/Walking a mile a day to raise awareness of a charity that supported us when we lost our daughter.  I know i have mentioned this time in my life before back on previous blog's, but maybe today  its the words that you just needed to hear.  Back in 2003, at just 39 weeks pregnant, we sadly lost our daughter, Alice. A time no parent should ever have to go through. How do you even prepare for that? The pink room was all set, the fresh smell of baby clothes ready to be worn, and then—the most heartbreaking news: the baby we had carried for nearly nine months had died. No medical reason, no explanation, just the devastating words that the cord had broken. Giving birth and then heading home without our baby in our arms, replaced instead by overwhelming grief and heartbreak, was something I never imagined I would face. It was a grief so deep that it felt like it could swallow me whole...

Faith Love and Encouragement

Looking back on a blog that is now nearly 11 years old, it’s remarkable to see how much has changed—not just in my life, but in the world of technology. Back then, creating video content for my blog would have seemed foreign, almost unthinkable. Yet today, it’s part of my everyday life. Over the years, I believe I’ve truly found my voice. I live each day with a purpose: to share faith, express love, and offer encouragement. This world is filled with brokenness and hurt, and if I can bring even a glimmer of hope to someone through the way I live and act as a Christian, that is enough for me. My faith is the cornerstone of my life. For so long, I hesitated to speak up about it, but now I embrace it fully. I believe in the Trinity: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—three in one. In a world where the concept of God is often misused and the Spirit misunderstood, I hold firmly to the belief that they are inseparable. To reach God, you need Jesus. To truly experience the Spirit, yo...

1st Jan 2024 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year,  Here we are, stepping into a new year filled with fresh opportunities to welcome a different season. It's time to cast off the old, shedding any unnecessary baggage that might be holding us back. As we ponder the questions of "What's next?" and contemplate what this year may unfold, I acknowledge my need for planning. However, there's a newfound excitement in embracing the uncertainty and entrusting God with the direction of my life, eager to discover what revelations He may unveil. Today, I extended a challenge on my social media, inviting anyone interested to spend the upcoming week reconnecting with God. Below is a link to a highly recommended Bible app. I encourage you to take a leap and give God a chance in this first week of the year. What do you have to lose? It might just be the key to something transformative. So I leave you with this simple Prayer: Father Help me to Live this day to the full Being true to you in every way  Jesus help me ...

29th December 2023 Life Update

Hi their, well yesterday I stumble across my blog that I had totally forgot about, so I thought I would leave a little new blog post.  Life has been storming ahead, celebrating that I am over 11 years clear from cancer and embracing all that life throws at me, good or bad, easy or hard.  Life is a journey and we all have those obstacles to navigate. You know that for me I have Faith in God and so thankful that I don't need to carry the burden, I can give it all to him.  My Life has changed over the years, but the foundations still remain the same, faith, prayer, worship, family, and friends, but now experiencing a whole new level of work, projects and opportunities. I have found a world outside of my own little life that I never knew existed, and have had the privilege to make good friendships that have gone beyond my imagination. I have steeped out far from my comfort zone on public speaking and now share my life and faith in ways that I never knew I would. Learnt new sk...

Stepping Into the Rest

As a Church we have been learning from our pastor the importance of spiritual disciplines. One of those disciplines is a key to overcoming the stresses and strains of this world. God didn't design us to be busy, rushing people, but birthed us originally into a garden filled with wonder and creation. All that God had supplied in that Garden was all humans ever needed. Unfortunately, sin entered, and man then had to then rework his relationship with God. Sin came between us and only allowing Jesus to take that away can we enter a place of rest again. I'm not here to preach to you but give a little biblical background on how entering the rest can happen for Christians and all who allows themselves to want enter rest.  Over resent years people are seeking this sense of Calm any which way they can, this may involve downloading apps, reading books on meditation, finding happy places, exercise or anyway that helps to empty the mind of the crazy life we lead...

The Unopened Present

The unopened Present Recently I had the opportunity to share an experience in my life that happened long before my cancer Journey. This time may have been over shadowed in recent years by that journey, but seems to now be the right time to allow the experience to come into the world and help others in similar situations. Back in 2003 after being a mum to Philip. My Husband Matt and I decided to have another child. To our delight, I fell pregnant and the 9 months of sickness begun. A pregnancy of no complications, a healthy baby, and a home being filled with Pink. We found out that we were to have a baby Girl and named her Alice Mary Bourne. The excitement set in as we prepared to meet our baby girl due in Early September 2003. At 37 Weeks I had seen the Community Midwife at home, and all was well, the following day I had a scan Booked at the local Hospital just to check that all was ok. That day in the scan room we found out that our beautiful baby Girl had died. In a space ...