Nearly two years in remission :))). Time defentaly is a healer. I'm strong, happy, seeking new oppertunities and living the dream.
I'm finding new things about my faith each day that blows my mind. We must always keep growing and learning. Never stand still keep searching for ways to bless and pour love out to others.
I'm still so very blessed to be working with some amazing people in my day job. Having a job gives you great oppertunities to get to know many different types of people, God makes us all so different and we must learn to accept and encourage one another. Be the one who gives that little bit extra and raise others up.
My heart still longs to worship my saving God. Day by day I see more of his love. In a world that shines to much hate and distraction, try and look for the good. I promise you it is there and it will shine when you see it. Life is hard and challenging for some of us, just keep going, place good friends around you and find peace in the middle of chaos.
Remember to keep laughing, eat chocolate and drink tea xx