I will dig my heals in and Stare in the face of sickness and overcome all that hits my body.
3 days after chemo and this is my best yet. Sick and weak but no spinning.
I'm now looking at the world with so my positive thoughts. I can see the joy in my kids, love in my family and friends and an amazing church family who keep giving and giving.
I have so much to give back and looking forward to planning many wonderful blessings. I have truly been blessed to be a blessing when this is all over.
8 weeks to go! X
3 days after chemo and this is my best yet. Sick and weak but no spinning.
I'm now looking at the world with so my positive thoughts. I can see the joy in my kids, love in my family and friends and an amazing church family who keep giving and giving.
I have so much to give back and looking forward to planning many wonderful blessings. I have truly been blessed to be a blessing when this is all over.
8 weeks to go! X