Fun filled weekend chilling with the kids, family and friends. Life is good. With only 47 days to go until the last treatment day I'm getting a little bit excited. I know I still have 4 to go and sick days to endure but the end is getting closer. Sitting in church this morning, it felt like God was holding my hand and starting to open my eyes at the journey i have done, and then showing me the life that is going to start. I have been so real with this season of my life and shared the good and bad times, but I never want this to be about me and how I have delt with a horrid cancer, but a way of saying to the world that whatever we go through God never leaves our side. He has remained a constant steady strength and my faith has never wobbled but grown. I have wrestled with God in a good way and will live with scars to remind me that I overcome. Chemo number 9 in 4 days time, I'm going to clean, tidy and enjoy some good days.