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Showing posts from September, 2012

Nearly there

Fun filled weekend chilling with the kids, family and friends. Life is good. With only 47 days to go until the last treatment day I'm getting a little bit excited. I know I still have 4 to go and sick days to endure but the end is getting closer. Sitting in church this morning, it felt like God was holding my hand and starting to open my eyes at the journey i have done, and then showing me the life that is going to start. I have been so real with this season of my life and shared the good and bad times, but I never want this to be about me and how I have delt with a horrid cancer, but a way of saying to the world that whatever we go through God never leaves our side. He has remained a constant steady strength and my faith has never wobbled but grown. I have wrestled with God in a good way and will live with scars to remind me that I overcome. Chemo number 9 in 4 days time, I'm going to clean, tidy and enjoy some good days.

When the going gets tough the tough get going

I will dig my heals in and Stare in the face of sickness and overcome all that hits my body. 3 days after chemo and this is my best yet. Sick and weak but no spinning. I'm now looking at the world with so my positive thoughts. I can see the joy in my kids, love in my family and friends and an amazing church family who keep giving and giving. I have so much to give back and looking forward to planning many wonderful blessings. I have truly been blessed to be a blessing when this is all over. 8 weeks to go! X

Chemo 8

So I'm am feeling a little bit of excitement now, as the weeks are coming closer to the end. 8 weeks to go. This chemo so far has just left me dizzy and sick but with no temperature or fly like symptoms. My chest is still so sore and the doctors are trying to sort that out. Thankfully for all the nannies/ granny who are keeping the Bourne house alive while I am in hospital. Keep believing, keep smiling and pushing on through the storms. There is a hope for all season, a giver of life, bread for tomorrow, a lord of my life. Jesus you are my all. X

Pushing on

Oh the reality of everyday normal life is hitting me hard as now my body just does not want to play the game now. Most daily things now are hard work and I'm not really having those good days between treatments. Treatment is just knocking my good cells in force and just managing to walk up the school for pick up is about as far as I can go. I tried so hard to go to practice last night as I miss the worship team so much and not being in platform is really hard. Watching them all in practice and on Sundays hurts as I long to be part of the team again. I need to find some final strength to push me through this last stage. 2 months to go. When this is all over I will be back with so much energy and nothing will stop me playing my part. I am very great full for the worship team in their support and coving me. Miss you all so much. Xx
In the think of infections, viruses and chemo! I have been more in hospital this last week than at home. Even tho it's nice and quite and I'm living like I'm in a posh hotel. I do miss the normality of home life. Just Seem the doctors and still need me to stay in until I feel totally recovered from chemo 7 and this virus. The end is in sight but a looooong way to go. The kids are back into the swing of things with school. Philip loves secondary school and seems very happy. He looks all grown up. Glad they are back to routine. Thank you for all who keep sending messages . I read them all. X