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Showing posts from 2019

Stepping Into the Rest

As a Church we have been learning from our pastor the importance of spiritual disciplines. One of those disciplines is a key to overcoming the stresses and strains of this world. God didn't design us to be busy, rushing people, but birthed us originally into a garden filled with wonder and creation. All that God had supplied in that Garden was all humans ever needed. Unfortunately, sin entered, and man then had to then rework his relationship with God. Sin came between us and only allowing Jesus to take that away can we enter a place of rest again. I'm not here to preach to you but give a little biblical background on how entering the rest can happen for Christians and all who allows themselves to want enter rest.  Over resent years people are seeking this sense of Calm any which way they can, this may involve downloading apps, reading books on meditation, finding happy places, exercise or anyway that helps to empty the mind of the crazy life we lead...

The Unopened Present

The unopened Present Recently I had the opportunity to share an experience in my life that happened long before my cancer Journey. This time may have been over shadowed in recent years by that journey, but seems to now be the right time to allow the experience to come into the world and help others in similar situations. Back in 2003 after being a mum to Philip. My Husband Matt and I decided to have another child. To our delight, I fell pregnant and the 9 months of sickness begun. A pregnancy of no complications, a healthy baby, and a home being filled with Pink. We found out that we were to have a baby Girl and named her Alice Mary Bourne. The excitement set in as we prepared to meet our baby girl due in Early September 2003. At 37 Weeks I had seen the Community Midwife at home, and all was well, the following day I had a scan Booked at the local Hospital just to check that all was ok. That day in the scan room we found out that our beautiful baby Girl had died. In a space ...