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Showing posts from November, 2012

Chemo 12

Oh yes the day has arrived for my last treatment.  After a set back last week and chemo being postponed for 5 days. I'm now sitting in the chair in my second home ready to be pumped with drugs.  The blogging is not stopping yet as I have so much on my heart to pour out, but today I'm just going to be boring as I just want today to hurry up and finish. Emotion and head thoughts have been put on hold and can start again tomorrow. X

So close but so far!

With only 4 days left on the count day chart my body gave me a last min challenge. Monday I caught a infection and made me very unwell. So unprepared I had to drop everything in the house and take up residence at hotel Medway hospital. You know me I do like all the house and kids organised before treatment so goodness knows what it will be like when I get home! You can see on the kids faces that they have had enough. I think we have all had enough but just as its end of treatment does not mean its the end yet. I still need my body to recover which will take a good month. I think the hardest part of it all Is the end. I have spent 8 months living by appointment and doctors I feel I don't know how to be me again. I will start at the beginning of being a mum a doing simply things like cooking dinner. So I'm waiting for doctors to decide if I'm having treatment tomorrow or that it's being postponed until next week.   Watch this space x

Chemo 11 (one more to go)

The sticky note count down says 10 days to go until the last treatment day. The end is so near but still every one hurts so much. It's taken a long time this time just to be upright and face the world. But school runs and a house that needs to keep ticking over makes you get up and carry on. I may have missed so many social, holidays, days out with friends and family, but this year has thought me so many lessons. It's like I have been looking down on the world, watching it spin and turn. Watching and learning. The parachute is on now and I'm getting ready to jump back. For all the follows around the world thank you for continually reading. I would love to hear from you. X