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Showing posts from June, 2014

Embracing the new season

Hello, I am amazed still at the amount of hits I get from my blog. This is encouraging me to keep my blog up and keep writing about the ups and downs. Life for me is full on, I'm now working in 2 jobs.  God has blessed me with a job at the only 2 places I can work. As I still have to be the mum and be their for my 3 children and have no car to leave the village this is an answer to prayer.  I love the primary school job still, but also now work at the pre school.  Studying 2 courses takes up most of the spare time, theology makes my brain work overtime and level 3 childcare is a must.  I have found comfort this last months in my body to continually to gain physical strength.  Something that hit me very hard was anxiety. Crept right up on me. Worrying about the simple things everyday and having my stomach doing summer saults. This is slowly fading but life after cancer throws up annoying things. Out of this worry I try so hard to keep my eyes firmly fixed on Jesu...